The essential things you must remember in the section, ‘viscosity’ are given below:
1. Viscous force between two layers of a fluid = ηAdv/dx where η is the coefficient of viscosity, A is the common area of the layers and dv/dx is the velocity gradient.
2. Poiseuille’s formula for the volume (V) of a liquid flowing through a capillary tube of radius 'r’ in a time ‘t’ under a pressure difference ‘P’ between the ends of the tube is
V = πPr4t / 8Lη
where L is the length of the tube and η is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid.
If the liquid flows through a horizontal capillary tube under a constant hydrostatic pressure produced by a height ‘h’ of liquid column, V = πhρgr4t / 8Lη where ρ is the density of the liquid.
It will be better to remember the rate of flow (which is the volume flowing per second) as
Q = V/t = πPr4/ 8Lη
If Q1 and Q2 are the rates of flow through two tubes (of radii r1, r2 and lengths L1, L2) under a given pressure head P, then the rate of flow (Qseries) under the same pressure head P when the tubes are connected in series is given by the reciprocal relation,
1/Qseries = 1/Q1 +1/Q2.
[You can easily prove this by combining the equations Q1 = πPr14/ 8L1η, Q2 = πPr24/ 8L2η, P = P1+P2 (where P1 and P2 are the pressures between the ends of the two tubes when they are in series) and Q = πP1r14/ 8L1η = πP2 r24/ 8L2η. Do this as an exercise]
If there are many tubes in series, the above relation gets modified as
1/Qseries = 1/Q1 +1/Q2 + +1/Q3 +1/Q4 +…etc.
3. Reynold’s number, R = vρr/ η where ‘v’ is the velocity of the liquid of density ρ and viscosity (coefficient) η through a tube of radius ‘r’.
Note that R is dimensionless and that the flow will be streamlined only if R is less than 2000 (approximately). It therefore follows that stream lined flow is more likely in the case of liquids of small density and large viscosity.
4. Stokes formula for the viscous force (F) on a sphere of radius ‘r’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ through a fluid having coefficient of viscosity η is
F = 6πrηv
If the sphere moves with terminal velocity vterminal as is the case when it moves down under gravity through a column of viscous medium, we can equate the magnitude of viscous force to the apparent weight of the sphere so that
6πrηvterminal = (4/3)πr3(ρ–σ)g where ρ is the density of the material of the sphere and σ is the density of the viscous medium.
Note that the terminal velocity is directly proportional to the radius of the sphere.
In the next post we will discus some typical multiple choice questions on viscosity.
Merry Christmas!