If we did all things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.

– Thomas A. Edison

Saturday, December 20, 2008

AIEEE Questions on Oscillations

When you prepare for any examination, it will be very useful to work out the questions which appeared in earlier examinations. Here are two questions on oscillations which appeared in AIEEE 2006 question paper:

(1) Starting from the origin a body oscillates simple harmonically with a period of 2 s. After what time will the kinetic energy be 75% of the total energy?

(1) 1/12 s

(2) 1/6 s

(3) 1/4 s

(4) 1/3 s

This simple harmonic motion can be represented by the equation,

y = A sin ωt where y is the displacement at the instant t, A is the amplitude and ω is the angular frequency.

The instantaneous velocity v of the particle is given by

v = dy/dt = Aω cosωt

The maximum velocity vmax of the particle is evidently Aω and the maximum kinetic energy which is equal to the total energy is ½ mvmax2 where m is the mass of the particle. We have

½ mv2 = (¾)(½)mvmax2

Therefore, ½ m (Aω cosωt)2 = (¾)(½)m(Aω)2 from which cosωt = (√3)/2

Therefore, ωt = π/6 so that t = π/6ω = π/(6×2π/T ) = 1/6 s since the period T is 2 s.

(2) The maximum velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion with amplitude 7 mm is 4.4 ms–1. The period of oscillation is

(1) 100 s

(b) 0.01 s

(c) 10 s

(d) 0.1 s

Since the maximum velocity vmax = Aω and the period T = 2π/ω we have

T = A/vmax = 2π×7×10–3/4.4 = 0.01 s

You will find more questions (with solution) in this section here as well as here.

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