Here is a question which checks your understanding of basic things in angular motion and simple harmonic motion:
A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R is resting on a horizontal platform which is parallel to the XZ plane. The cylinder can rotate freely about its own axis, which is along the X-direction. The platform is given a linear simple harmonic motion of angular frequency ‘ω’ and amplitude ‘A’ in the Z-direction. If there is no slipping between the cylinder and the platform, the maximum torque acting on the cylinder is
(a) 2MR2Aω2 (b) MR2Aω2 (c) 2MRAω2
(d) MRAω2 (e) MRAω2/2
You may be remembering the expression for maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic motion: amax = ω2A
[ If you don’t remember the above expression, you may use the simplest form of simple harmonic motion of amplitude ‘A’ and angular frequency ‘ω’ and differentiate it twice:
z = A sin ωt (We write the displacement as ‘z’ since it is in the Z-direction).
a = d2z/dt2 = –ω2A sin ωt
Therefore, the maximum acceleration is ω2A].
The maximum angular acceleration (αmax) of the cylinder is given by
αmax = amax/R = ω2A/R.
The maximum torque (τmax) on the cylinder is given by
τmax = αmaxI, where ‘I’ is the moment of inertia of the cylinder about its own axis (which is equal to MR2/2).
Therefore, maximum torque τmax = (ω2A/R) (MR2/2) = MRAω2/2
You will find an interesting MCQ on rolling at physicsplus: MCQ on Rolling Bodies